Sex Positive Community
“Sex and sexual activity is probably one of the most powerful expressions of emotions and feelings that humans possess.”
—Dr Bernadette Hattjar
About Us
The Sex Positive Community supports the rights to sexual quality of life for people living with a disability.
We empower all individuals with a disability to experience sexual expression and self-pleasure in their own unique way in recognising that sexual activity is an Activity of Daily Living (ADL), defining it as engaging in sexual expression experiencing with self or others, including intimacy, touch, mastubation, oral sex, and intercourse.
Our mission is to educate people living with a disability, health professionals and the broader community on the supports and aids out there! Our focus is based on growing evidence that the topic of sexual expression and disability is not adequately addressed.
We are a community of people with diverse backgrounds in Australia, passionate about supporting people with a disability to safely sexually express themselves.
The aim of Sex Positive Community is to empower people with a disability, their families, carers, healthcare workers, and the broader community to engage in the discussion about sexual quality of life by providing a broad range of information, research, a safe space to discuss these topics, and to connect with experts in this field for professional support.
Contact us
Contact us
If you would like to find out more about us and how to connect to a sexpositive health professional for individual support, please contact us via the provided form or email us