Additional Resources
Below there are more resources for sexual quality of life for people living with a disability
Links To More In-Depth Information
We are here to help!
NDIS Practice Process Stages
A comprehensive initial assessment will be completed by a relevant health professional to determine the individual’s goals and funding required to achieve these goals.
Adequate funding is required in the individuals NDIS budget for relevant assessments and provision of aids and devices based on their goals.
This assessment requires thorough and clinically justified recommendations to ensure the clients goals are being met.
Once relevant recommendations and reports are approved by the NDIS, the client is one step closer to receiving the support they require!
Please see the Touching Base Fact Sheet for information and examples on what to include in client’s goals and NDIS plan to facilitate budgets for sexual expression.
Professional Development Programs increase health professionals’ skills and knowledge in sexual expression practice
Please see below links to Professional Development Programs if you’re interested in increasing your knowledge, skills and confidence, and are interested in increasing your client’s quality of life!
Occupational Therapy Australia (OTA), offers Sexuality, Intimacy and Relationships (SIR547), a continuing professional development program. As little as a one-day program has found to positively impact health professional’s skills and knowledge in the area of sexual expression.
Additional Educational Tools
E-Learning Modules for Occupational Therapists
Assistive Technologies Educational Module for Occupational Therapist Working With Parents Living With a Disability:
Module 1: Exploring the Experiences of Parenting with a Mobility Disability
Module 2: Assistive Technology Models and Frameworks
Module 3: Assistive Technology Best Practice Principles
Module 4: What current assistive technology devices and equipment are being used by parents who are wheelchair users?