Information For Parents
My child with a disability is interested in learning about sex, is this normal?
The short answer is - yes, absolutely!
Many parents struggle to see their children as a sexual being. This is very common amongst all parents, whether their child has a disability or not. Regardless, it is true that adolescents with physical disabilities are sexual beings, and them being able to pursue this innate need is part of their basic human rights.
Despite this, research has shown that adolescents with physical disabilities have very limited opportunities to receive sexual education that is tailored to their unique needs, due to
Health professional's reluctance to address these issues.
School system - limited ability to discuss sexuality with children in a detail.
Lack of specialised resources surrounding sexuality for adolescents with a physical disability.
Adolescents can acquire some information regarding sexual expression and self-pleasure through other sources such as the internet, their peers or books. However these sources sometimes include inaccurate false or harmful information.
It is therefore vital for parents to encourage their children to learn basic sexual education, regarding issues related to
Decision making
Body image
Peer pressure
Safe sex
Personal safety
To ensure your child is receiving effective and appropriate sexual health advice it is important to
Have a one-on-one appointment with your child's doctor to discuss what sexual education or services are available and relevant for them.
Use age appropriate sexual education resources.